How To Win A Child Custody Case Pt I

Tanya Mitchell Graham YouTube News

There are various factors that can impact the judge’s decision on who should get primary child custody, and it all boils down to what’s in the best interest of the child. Our amazing family law subject matter expert Tanya Mitchell Graham, Esquire gave us the rundown of how to win a child custody case during this episode of Thank Me Later Real Life. In PT I we discuss:

  • Why so many women are losing child custody cases, even though they are fit mothers
  • What causes a mother to lose custody
  • The factors that the judge will look at to determine what’s in the best interest of the child
  • How does a judge decide between two parents that are both fit
  • How child support factors into a child custody case
  • The age that a judge considers the child’s opinion
  • & much more

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